How to sew the ribbon bow

Today’s handcrafted goods is “ribbon bow".

ribbon bow


Fabric is 12cm by 13cm. (Seam allowances are included)


Tape is 2cm by 7cm.


Wadding is a little.


Make ribbon bow

1. Fold the fabric in half with right side together, and sew. (Leaving 4cm open for turning.)

fold the fabric in half

2. Move the seam. Then press seam allowances open, and sew the side seams.

move the seam
sew the side seams

3. Cut off extra seams, and turn inside out.

cut off extra seams
turn inside out

4. Stuff wadding, and sew the hem.

stuff wadding
sew the hem

5. Sew the fabric and tape together.

sew the fabric and tape

6. Squeeze at the middle of fabric, and sew.


7. Wrap the tape around the fabric. Then sew the hem. It’s done.

sew the hem
ribbon bow

Making movie is the following.

How to sew the ribbon bow – YouTube