How to sew the bias tape (right angle)
Today’s sewing topic is “How to sew the bias tape:right angle".

Fabric and tape
The size of a fabric is 8cm×8cm. The width of a bias tape is 2.8cm. Fold the tape into four.
The length of the tape is about 35cm.

Fold one end of the tape back, and cut the angle.

Bind the fabric with bias tape
Place the fabric and tape right sides together, and baste.

For right angle, fold the tape twice along the hem.

Finish the basting. Markup the end point of completed line.

Then restart the basting.

Basted right angle is like this.

Next angle, do the same way.

Remaining 2 angles, do the same way.
Complete the basting, and cut the extra tape.

Sew the fabric and tape on a sewing machine. (Start and finish point, back stitch)

Sew the remaining 3 seams, do the same way.
Unseam the bastings, and bind the hems.

Baste the tape and stitch. It’s done. (Use the iron, better)

Movie is the following.
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