How to sew the sun visor with hickory pattern

Today’s handcrafted goods is “sun visor with hickory pattern".

sun visor with hickory pattern


Band fabrics are 2 pieces. (Seam allowances are included, attach interfacing)

band fabrics
attach interfacing

Fusible interfacing gives fabric firmness, and keeps shape of band.

Brim fabrics are 2 pieces. (Seam allowances are included)

brim fabrics

Brim interfacing. (cut-off)

brim interfacing

Other fabric is 10cm by 10cm. (Seam allowances are included)

other fabric

Elastic braids, 7cm long are 2 pieces.

elastic braids

Pattern is here.

hickory sun visor pattern

Make brim

1. Sew the brim fabrics with right side together.

sew the brim fabrics

2. Make a cut in seam allowances. Then press seam allowances open.

make a cut in seam allowances
press seam allowances open

3. Turn inside out, and insert the brim interfacing. Then stitch the edge.

insert the brim interfacing
stitch the edge

Make elastic fabric

1. Fold the other fabric in half with right side together, and sew.

fold in half

2. Turn inside out, and stitch.


3. Thread the elastic braids through, and sew.

thread the elastic braids through

Make sun visor

1. Fold and press the band fabrics (1cm).

fold and press

2. Place the brim and one band with right side together, and baste.


3. Make a cut in seam allowances.

make a cut in seam allowances

4. Add the other band, sew with right side together. Then press seam allowances open. (Be careful about sewing)


5. Fold and press the band (1cm).

fold and press

6. Sew the band and elastic band together.

sew the band and elastic band

7. Stitch the edge of band. It’s done.

stitch the edge
hickory sun visor

Making movie is the following.

How to sew the sun visor with hickory pattern – YouTube